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The Cage


  • 主演:
  • 导演:地区:委内瑞拉   类型:电影
  • 简介:


简介:译  名 The Cage
片  名 La Jaula
年  代 2017
产  地 委内瑞拉
类  别 科幻
语  言 西班牙语
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/35566443/
片  长 82分钟
标  签 委内瑞拉

简  介 

  Earth has been depopulated by a superior intelligence. Since then, an enormous floating ship watches from the sky without showing any greater sign of life. Eva and Fausto have survived together for years, but reality has begun to lose meaning for them. One day, the routine that they are used to is disrupted by the arrival of a third survivor, Dafne. From that moment on, the three of them start to live as members of a species in danger of extinction - they become hedonists. Under stress from the constant threat, Fausto begins to rave, and puts all of their lives in danger. Deranged, he decides to face the threat and end his life in a suicide attack, unwittingly engendering a much bigger plan that will be impossible to stop


