
正在播放:姐妹会大屠杀 Sorority House Massacre


姐妹会大屠杀 Sorority House Massacre


姐妹会大屠杀 Sorority House Massacre 正片

导演:主演:Wendy Martel Wendy Martel<br,Nicole Rio Nicole Rio<br,艾米·布鲁克斯,John C. Russell John C. Russell<br,罗伯特·阿克塞尔罗德,Alan Eugster Alan Eugster<br


译  名 姐妹会大屠杀
片  名 Sorority House Massacre
年  代 1986
产  地 美国
类  别 惊悚 / 恐怖
语  言 英语
上映日期 1986-10-10(美国)
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/1947312/
片  长 74 分钟 / UK: 86 分钟
演  员 Wendy Martel Wendy Martel
      Nicole Rio Nicole Rio
      艾米·布鲁克斯 / Aimee Brooks
      John C. Russell John C. Russell
      罗伯特·阿克塞尔罗德 / Robert Axelrod
      Alan Eugster Alan Eugster
制  片  人 罗杰·科曼 / Roger Corman
      Ron Diamond Ron Diamond
摄  影 Marc Reshovsky Marc Reshovsky
美  术 吉恩·瑟尔迪纳 / Gene Serdena
副  导  演 Bruce Carter Bruce Carter

简  介 

  A little girl's brother kills the whole family but her (she escapes by hiding in the basement). He is committed, and she grows up with a new family, eventually going to college, where she joins a sorority. Due to a memory block, she doesn't remember that the sorority house was her childhood house. Her brother senses her presence in the house and escapes so he can finish the job he was unable to complete.

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