
正在播放:母亲节大屠杀 Mother's Day Massacre


母亲节大屠杀 Mother's Day Massacre


母亲节大屠杀 Mother's Day Massacre 正片

导演:主演:诺阿·弗雷斯,Gregory Segal Gregory Segal<br,陈大卫,Brian Vincent Brian Vincent<br,Adam Scarimbolo Adam Scarimbolo<br,海蒂克里斯多夫


译  名 母亲节大屠杀
片  名 Mother's Day Massacre
年  代 2007
产  地 美国
类  别 恐怖
语  言 英语
上映日期 2007
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/5202359/
演  员 诺阿·弗雷斯 / Noah Fleiss
      Gregory Segal Gregory Segal
      陈大卫 / David Chen
      Brian Vincent Brian Vincent
      Adam Scarimbolo Adam Scarimbolo
      海蒂克里斯多夫 / Heidi Kristoffer
       Bruce Lemme
制  片  人 Gregory Segal Gregory Segal
      John A. Gallagher John A. Gallagher

简  介 

  Jim Cavanaugh is a shy suburban New Jersey teenager. His mom left when he was a child and his father is an ass. The unrelenting psychotic domination of his redneck dad forces Jim to search out his long-lost mother. His quest takes him to the backwoods of Jersey where he encounters semi-retarded hillbillies who have a taste for DIY circumcisions and Peterbilt trucks.

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