
正在播放:The Ernie Game


The Ernie Game


The Ernie Game 正片

导演: 唐.欧文 / Don Owen主演:阿莱克斯·凯纳,杰姬·布罗斯,莱昂纳德·科恩


译  名 The Ernie Game
片  名 The Ernie Game
年  代 1967
产  地 加拿大
类  别 剧情
语  言 英语
上映日期 1967-11-08(加拿大)
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/10772149/
片  长 89分钟
导  演 唐.欧文 / Don Owen
演  员 阿莱克斯·凯纳 / Alexis Kanner
      杰姬·布罗斯 / Jackie Burroughs
      莱昂纳德·科恩 / Leonard Cohen
编  剧 唐.欧文 / Don Owen

简  介 

  Ernie Turner is released from a mental hospital and evicted from his apartment. Alienated and indifferent to life, he meets Donna, a beautiful young woman while wandering down the street. Donna takes pity on Ernie despite him being in a terminal state of confusion and the two become involved with each other. Later at a party, Ernie meets a former girlfriend, Gail, and the two resume their previous relationship. For Ernie life is a game, but as he moves between the two women, his fragile mental state declines and his imagined rejections drive him to fantastic and dangerous schemes


  第18届柏林国际电影节 (1968)
  金熊奖 最佳影片(提名) 唐.欧文

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